They Don’t Work for Us

Isn’t it strange how every time the American people overwhelmingly want something—secure borders, lower taxes, fewer wars—Congressional Democrats vote the exact opposite way? Almost like they don’t work for us at all. Almost like their orders come from somewhere else. Almost.

Isn’t it strange how every time the American people overwhelmingly want something—secure borders, lower taxes, fewer wars—Congressional Democrats vote the exact opposite way? Almost like they don’t work for us at all. Almost like their orders come from somewhere else. Almost.

A Marxist System

A Marxist system is recognized by the fact that it spares the criminals and criminalizes political opponents.

A Marxist system is recognized by the fact that it spares the criminals and criminalizes political opponents.

Everything Electric

They want everything to be electric so they can turn it off when you have a bad social credit score for speaking the truth.

They want everything to be electric so they can turn it off when you have a bad social credit score for speaking the truth.

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