Chicks of different sexes can appear quite similar. Chick sexing is the method of distinguishing the sex of chicken and other hatchlings by a trained person called a Chick Sexer or Chicken Sexer. It’s a job that pays pays $60,000 a year and nobody seems to want to do it.
Believe it or not, ‘chick sexer’ is a real job, and it pays quite handsomely. For over $60,000 a year, a chick sexer has to look at chicks’ backsides all day to determine if they are male or female.
The process, known as ‘vent sexing’ involves squeezing the faeces out of the chick and opening up the its anal vent, to check for a small ‘bump’ that indicates it is male. Understandably, the job doesn’t have many takers, and British poultry farmers are struggling to attract employees to fill the position.
Although it sounds easy, chick sexing is quite complicated and requires an incredible amount of skill. Workers are specially trained on how to spot ‘miniscule differences’ in the size and shape of a chick’s genitalia to ascertain whether it will grow up to be a rooster or a hen.
Chick sexers are expected to sort 800-1,200 chicks an hour, with a 97-98 percent accuracy – that’s just three seconds per bird. “It takes three years to train someone so they develop the sensitivity and dexterity to reliably sex the bird and a lot of people don’t want to spend that amount of time training,” said Andrew Large, chief executive of the British Poultry Council.
A scientific look at how female Turkeys choose their mates.
With its fanned plumage and bold strut, a male wild turkey’s display conjures images of Americana and festive feasts. But this grandstanding isn’t intended for human eyes – it’s for female turkeys who actually use it to discern a male’s genetic prowess. How exactly she parses his performance to pick her suitor can be a fairly complex enterprise but thanks to the research of Dr. Richard Buchholz of the University of Mississippi, we have some clues as to what a female turkey finds “hot” in a male.
Are computers male or female? You decide.
5. They’re heavily dependent on external tools and equipment.
4. They periodically cut you off right when you think you’ve established a network connection.
3. They’ll usually do what you ask them to do, but they won’t do more than they have to and they won’t think of it on their own.
2. They’re typically obsolete within five years and need to be traded in for a new model. Some users, however, feel they’ve already invested so much in the damn machine that they’re compelled to remain with an under powered system.
1. They get hot when you turn them on, and that’s the only time you have their attention.
5. No one but their creator understands their logic.
4. Even the smallest mistakes are immediately committed to memory for future reference.
3. The native language used to communicate with other computers is incomprehensible to everyone else.
2. The message, “Bad command or filename,” is about as informative as “If you don’t know why I’m mad at you, then I’m certainly not going to tell you.”
1. As soon as you make a commitment to one, you find yourself spending half your paycheck on accessories for it.
Question: Are you male or female?
To find out the answer, look down:
LOOK DOWN, not scroll down!!!