Women’s Rights

You don't really stand for women's rights if you allow men to dominate women's sports, and allow the nomination of a man for Woman of the Year.

You don’t really stand for women’s rights if you allow men to dominate women’s sports, and allow the nomination of a man for Woman of the Year.

The Goal

The goal is not to trigger liberals. The goal is to save America. For some reason, that just so happens to trigger liberals.

The goal is not to trigger liberals. The goal is to save America.

For some reason, that just so happens to trigger liberals.

Liberal Time Travel

Liberal Time Travel — If a Liberal from 1960 showed up in 2024, he would be a Conservative. If a Liberal from 2024 showed up in 1960, he would be considered a dangerous lunatic.

If a Liberal from 1960 showed up in 2024, he would be a Conservative.

If a Liberal from 2024 showed up in 1960, he would be considered a dangerous lunatic.


There's no shortage of information out there. We are at the end game. Ignorance is now an active choice.

There’s no shortage of information out there. We are at the end game. Ignorance is now an active choice.


Accusations from The Left are often confessions.

Accusations from The Left are often confessions.

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