Comey’s “That’s it” response is extremely telling. He was expecting the House Intelligence Committee Report to contain something even more explosive.
That’s it? Dishonest and misleading memo wrecked the House intel committee, destroyed trust with Intelligence Community, damaged relationship with FISA court, and inexcusably exposed classified investigation of an American citizen. For what? DOJ & FBI must keep doing their jobs.
What he doesn’t know is the strategy that is in play right now. Devin Nunes, Chuck Grassley, Bob Goodlatte, and Inspector General Michael Horowitz have coordinated efforts to get all of this information into the public.
Remember when Comey called Trump “Crazy” for suggesting he was being spied on? And now we learn the House Intelligence Committee Report shows that Comey signed off on the FISA application.
And we also know he leaked classified memos through his Columbia Law Professor “friend” Dan Richman to prompt a Special Counsel by his own words. WEASEL… Never Forget!
The real question: Was this really the first time the FBI and DOJ were weaponized to influence a US election?
We know the IRS was targeting the Tea Party during the previous election. There were studies conducted that show that the Tea Party would have swung the 2012 election to Mitt Romney had they not been targeted.
OFFICIAL: FISA Memo Released. Read The Official Document Here.
House Intelligence Committee Report On FISA Abuses:
Look inside: James Comey personally approved the illegal FISA warrants!
One word: TREASON – The whole lot of them: Hillary campaign, DNC, FBI, DOJ, Obama, McCain – No more “get out of jail, FREE” cards – These people have tried to undermine our Republic!
Steele is British i.e. FOREIGN … they conspired with FOREIGN entities to bring down a U.S. PRESIDENT!
The FISA application never mentioned to the judge that Steele was paid by DNC and Clinton campaign
Steele spoke to Yahoo News at the direction of Fusion GPS, so Yahoo News is not a reliable source for FISA application
BOMBSHELL: Obama pardoned General Cartwright on his last day in office, for leaking secrets to the NYT about Stuxnet (the US-Israeli cyber attacks on Iran). Treason!
1.Obama pardoned General Cartwright on his last day in office, for leaking secrets to the NYT about Stuxnet (the US-Israeli cyber attacks on Iran). Oh – and if this incredible thread is true, he just happens to be the Uncle of Peter Strzok’s first cousin, Devin.
2. Cartwright, ‘Obama’s favorite General’, was a key member of Obama’s NatSec team and head of the U.S. Strategic Command. His leak to the media wasn’t revealed until 2016. He later pleaded guilty for lying to FBI agents pursuing an investigation into the leak.
3. In March 2015, the Washington Post reported that the sensitive leak investigation had “stalled amid concerns that a prosecution in federal court could force the government to confirm” information about the highly classified program.
Who was the investigator?
4. Now – the relevant NYT article based on Cartwright’s leaks portrays an aggressive Obama ramping up cyber attacks on Iran.
5. Notice the date? June 1, 2012. Which seems odd, because Obama had invested siginficant time negotiating with the mullahs that year as part of the 5+1.
7. By 2012, Obama’s administration had also turned a blind eye to Hezbollah running a massive drugs and money laundering scheme within the USA.
8. Obama was almost certainly spying on domestic opponents of his Iran deal as far back as 2010.
9. So WHY would Obama’s ‘favorite General and key NatSec advisor leak to the NYT about Stuxnet, just when Obama was pushing hard to get friendly with the mullahs? Obama MUST have known about & approved this leak (remember he pardoned the General later).
10. Remember, Operation Olympic Games was NOT an Obama initiative. It started under Dubya in 2006 and has been described as ‘probably the most significant covert manipulation of the electromagnetic spectrum since World War II (Enigma).
11. Who did the US work with to develop the virus? Israel.
12. Until that leak by Gen Cartwright, no government had officially been confirmed as responsible for the development & use of Stuxnet. It basically signalled classified information – to THE MULLAHS.
13. On August 15, 2012, Dishonorable Disclosures, a 22-minute documentary film is released by the Special Operations OPSEC group. Their accusation?
14. ‘The Obama administration ‘willfully leaked the existence of STUXNET (a computer worm used against Iran), allowing our enemies to learn more of our secrets and of our operations.’
They are ridiculed and smeared by Obama and his press dogs.
15. In summary: Obama and his stooges were leaking classified information to the NYT to tip off the Iranians about the US-Israeli collaboration behind the Stuxnet virus, using media slaves.
In this case the stooge was Generated Cartwright, a key Obama insider.
16. They were aiding and abetting an adversary of the USA, Iran. And placing an ally, Israel, in an extremely difficult position.
This at a time when they were protecting Hezbollah within the USA.
One word: TREASON.
17. And of the thread I RTd at #1 is true, Gen Cartwright is related to none other than Peter Strzok, FBI agent who Trump has accused of treason.
The Cartrwight conveniently pardoned by Obama on his last day.
Yes – you DID read that right.
18. We talk about Clinton’s many crimes, but when it comes to hard core treason and corruption, all roads lead back to one man:
Barack Hussein Obama.
He is going down.
19. Oh have no fear. Hillary will be indicted and tried for her many crimes.
But now I have NO doubt that Obama is Trump’s #1 target. And that Trump will make that sob pay BIGLY for what he did to America.
Remember the key figure here: Peter Strzok, the former deputy of counter-intelligence at the FBI. Guy who ran the 2016 Clinton investigation, who interviewed key witnesses including Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin, and Hillary Clinton. Former Mueller team member. Strzok is the guy here
We have all these anti-Trump texts in 2016 from Peter Strzok, talking about an “insurance policy” in case Trump gets elected President. We have texts from Strzok to Lisa Page saying “We can’t take the risk” Trump wins the Presidency. By itself, that’s a huge problem.
But there’s more. We now have a text between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, FBI agents, directly talking about the pressure to finish the Hillary Clinton investigation–a text which occurred right after Donald J. Trump became the presumptive GOP nominee
We have a text from May 4, 2016 where Peter Strzok says: “Now the pressure really starts to finish MYE…” (or ‘Mid-Year Exam,’ the FBI’s code name for the Clinton investigation.) May 4, 2016 is important–because it’s when Ted Cruz dropped out. That day, Trump was the nominee.
So we have Peter Strzok, the deputy of FBI counter-intelligence and lead Clinton investigator, who we already know blasted Trump in text messages, talking about the need to end the Clinton investigation… right after he knew Hillary would be running against Trump. Major problem.
Now pause, and circle to FBI Director Comey. Remember Director Comey’s exoneration letter? The letter from 2016 that, at first, called Hillary Clinton “grossly negligent” but was mysteriously changed to “extremely careless”? That change is massively important.
Remember, “gross negligence” under the “reasonable person standard” is a crime. “Extreme carelessness” is not, however. That change is hugely significant. Had Dir. Comey called Hillary “grossly negligent” in his letter, he would’ve essentially been saying she committed a crime.
Now take that letter change, and go back to Peter Strzok. We have email documentation that suggests the “gross negligence” claim in Director Comey’s exoneration letter was changed to “extremely careless” between May 4, 2016 and May 6, 2016… by none other than Peter Strzok.
Think about how important that is. We have a text from Peter Strzok talking about the pressure to end the Clinton investigation, and then–within 48 hours–documents suggesting Peter Strzok changed Dir. Comey’s letter from criminal charges to just “carelessness.” That’s major.
Folks, this stinks to high heaven. If this is anything what it looks like–the FBI changing course on investigation, putting their thumb on the scale to undermine Donald Trump and essentially help Hillary Clinton–that is as wrong as it gets. This demands further investigation.
And remember, this doesn’t even address a host of other questions! The dossier. The Carter Page FISA application (that they still won’t show us). The 5 months of mysteriously “missing” Page/Strzok texts. The FBI communicating with Fusion GPS/DNC-hired Christopher Steele. Come on.
This is not party politics. This is not partisan bickering. This is an issue that gets at the very heart of who we are as a nation. If any officials at the FBI were engaged in this kind of behavior, we need to know.
Bottom line:
Tell us the truth. Tell us the truth about what happened with the Clinton investigation, the 2016 election, and leading up to this “collusion” investigation. All of it. Americans deserve the truth.