Obama’s Uneasy Visit With the Silent Majority at a N. Carolina Barbecue Joint

Apparently not everyone believes “That One” is the Messiah.

I find it interesting that this article states that “Obama ordered some food to go for himself and his aides. They ordered chicken, collards, baked beans, slaw and wings“. When ordering food in a Carolinas BBQ joint, you don’t ask for chicken. Does Obama have some religious constraint against doing the right thing and ordering pork? I wonder!

Obama pays uneasy visit to a N. Carolina barbecue joint

When Sen. Barack Obama entered a barbecue joint here to greet dozens of people eating lunch after church services on Sunday, Diane Fanning, 54, who works at a Sam’s Club, began yelling, “Socialist, socialist, socialist — get out of here!”

It was unclear whether Obama heard her in the noisy restaurant, but others clearly did. One man standing next to Fanning, Lenox Bramble, 76, flashed an angry look at her. “Be civil, be courteous,” he admonished her.

Another woman, Cecilia Hayslip, 61, yelled back at Fanning, “At least he’s not a war-monger!”

It was a visit that underscored how divided North Carolina voters are with two weeks to go before the election.

Bramble said he wouldn’t vote for Obama because he didn’t think Obama had enough experience. Bramble’s wife, Kit, 75, said Obama “was very nice” but that she’d been a conservative Republican since Barry Goldwater’s era and wouldn’t vote for Obama either.

Fanning said she’d heard Colin Powell had endorsed Obama but that “Colin Powell is a RINO, R-I-N-O, Republican In Name Only.”

Later, Obama came to the long table where Fanning and other members of a local First Presbyterian church were gathered. He held out his hand to her to shake it and asked, “How are you, ma’am?” but she declined to shake.

He spoke at length with many of the others at the long banquet table, however, and got a much friendlier reception as he spoke about health care, taxes and social security. Betty Waylett, 76 and a Republican, said she’d vote for him. “You’re doing a great job,” she said.

Pastor Randal Bremer, also at the table, said Obama told him asked for his prayers and said “I’m very impressed by his ability to meet people on a down-to-earth level.” But he’s voting for Republican John McCain, mostly because he prefers smaller government and McCain’s position on the Iraq war.

But Obama did have some successful conversion. Mike Long, 33, a first-time voter in furniture sales, said that after talking with Obama about health care, he’d gone from less than 50 percent likely to vote for him to “98 percent” likely.

Sheila Evans, 39, who is biracial, told Obama, “I’m so proud of you.”

But some of the other older white diners looked surprised and slightly uncomfortable as Obama stopped at their tables to shake hands.

A group of six retired women said they were mostly Democrats – but undecided about how to vote. “I have to pray about it, think about what’s best for our country,” said Dorothy Buie, one of the women.

Obama ordered some food to go for himself and his aides. They ordered chicken, collards, baked beans, slaw and wings. The tab was $13.91. The visit lasted about a half hour.

McCain Leads Obama in the AOL Straw Poll 74-25%

With more than 4000 votes cast John McCain owns Barack Obama in this week’s AOL Straw poll. In fact, as of this post, he has all 538 Electoral votes.

Keep in mind that AOL supposedly has a heavily left-leaning customer base. Call me an optimist but I think this poll may be a more accurate snapshot of the silent majority.

John McCain: Messiah is Above My Pay Grade

John McCain delivered a funny, respectful and classy speech at the 63rd annual Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner last night. The event which historically has hosted presidential contenders over the years has been called “dessert for the politically minded” because it is filled with inside jokes, sharp witted self-deprecating humor and fun laugh-out-loud digs between the two candidates.

If John McCain had been campaigning like this the whole time, he would be leading in the polls by at least 15 points.

Part 1

Part 2

Picture Of The Day: John McCain Impersonating One Of Obama’s Zombies

US Republican presidential nominee Senator John McCain (R-AZ) reacts to almost heading the wrong way off the stage after shaking hands with Democratic presidential nominee Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) at the conclusion of the final presidential debate at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York, October 15, 2008. REUTERS/Jim Bourg (UNITED STATES) US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION CAMPAIGN 2008

John McCain’s Bar

This is amusing. Supposedly John McCain has Bud Light on tap at his house in Arizona… or it could be one of his houses in Arizona.

What are the odds that Obama has a daiquiri machine?

Welcome to McCain’s Bar & Grill

You know how people sometimes say that they’d like to sit down for a beer with a candidate before deciding how to vote. Well, at least Sen. John McCain would pay for that beer. That’s because he’s got a Bud Light tap in his Arizona house. We got these from somebody who attended a barbecue there and hit the tap pretty often. Having the Bud Light tap makes sense, of course, since wife Cindy has a piece of the local Bud distributorship, Hensley & Co.

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