John McCain, Master of the Obvious, Says Jimmy Carter Was a “Lousy President”

Also this just in, “John McCain says water is wet”!

Finally! Something John McCain and I can agree on.

McCain calls Carter a ‘lousy president’

John McCain directed his trademark straight talk toward a former president, flatly calling Jimmy Carter a “lousy” commander in chief.

The Arizona senator has long attempted to portray Barack Obama’s policies as in the mold of Carter’s, though the Republican has previously held back criticizing Carter so directly.

But in an interview with the Las Vegas Sun published Friday, McCain was decidedly more blunt than he has been in the past. McCain, who is a proponent of nuclear reprocessing, was asked why he thought Carter was against the process when he was president.

“Yes, because Carter was a lousy president,” McCain quipped. “This is the same guy who kissed Brezhnev.”

McCain’s comments are in reference to the now famous moment when Carter and then Soviet Union leader Leonid Brezhnev kissed after signing the SALT II treaty in 1979. Both the agreement and the kiss were widely panned by Republicans.

Carter himself largely stayed on the sidelines during the prolonged Democratic primary race, refusing to publicly back a candidate. Though he had long dropped several hints that he was a supporter of Barack Obama and he formally endorsed the Illinois senator shortly after he tied up the nomination.

Has Jimmy Carter Violated the Logan Act?

In meeting with Hamas, has Jimmy Carter violated the Logan Act? You bet he has and it is time to put Mr. Peanut under house arrest.

What is the Logan Act? Well let me tell you. The Logan Act is a United States federal law that forbids unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments. It was passed in 1799 and last amended in 1994. Violation of the Logan Act is a felony, punishable under federal law with imprisonment of up to three years.

Actually I don’t think that this will ever happen because the Democrats are way too liberal and the Republicans are way too spineless to take any action against the worst President in the history of our nation.

Well, at least North Carolina has a Representative that thinks like a true American Patriot.

Rep. Myrick Calls for Former President Jimmy Carter’s Passport to be revoked

Today, Rep. Sue Myrick (NC-9) called on Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to revoke former President Jimmy Carter’s passport. This is in response to the former President traveling to Syria to meet with Hamas, an organization officially designated by the United States as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.

“Former President Carter has acted in contradiction of international agreements to isolate Hamas. He has acted in defiance of both United States policy and international policy. His actions reward terrorists, lend support, and provide legitimacy to their belief that violence will eventually get them what they want,” said Rep. Myrick.

After Hamas won the 2006 Palestinian parliamentary elections the Quartet (US, UN, EU and Russia) called on Hamas to renounce terror, recognize Israel and recognize the previous agreements between the Palestinian Authority and Israel as they seek an agreement to make peace. Hamas has categorically rejected these three conditions for more than two years.

Congress granted the Secretary of State the power to grant and verify passports. In 1981, the United States Supreme Court held in the case of Haig v. Agee that the Secretary of State has the implied power to revoke passports as well (453 U.S. 280).

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