Handeling a Heteropteryx Dilatata Female

Say hello to my little friend!

Heteropteryx dilatata is a large member of the Phasmatodea commonly kept in captivity. The most usual common name is the Malaysian or Malayan jungle nymph, often just abbreviated to jungle nymph.

The females of this species are very aggressive and should be approached cautiously. When threatened, the insect will hiss and attempt to thrash the aggressor with her legs. The female is much larger than the male and is a lime green colour. The male is winged and can fly, however the female has stubby, rounded wings and is unable to take flight. They eat bramble, oak and other leaves.


Hand Feeding a Wasp

Video Description:

Studies have shown that if you desensitize your captive wasps to your fingers and hands from an early stage, they will become used to you and not react in an aggressive manor. And, when workers come, the queen’s body language around you will influence the workers’ behavior too.

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