DIY Garden Pest Control

DIY Garden Pest Control Infographic
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Trying to implement a pest control system into your garden, lawn or crop can seem tricky to do without chemicals. There are several ways you can introduce natural pest control into your garden’s eco-system. One major way involves what is known as biological pest control by using ‘good’ insects to control ‘bad’ insects. This is truly an eco-friendly solution, which requires zero chemicals and leverages mother nature to do most of the work for you.

By implementing these methods into your garden, you’ll be providing a safe haven for insects that are beneficial to your garden, while reducing the population of insects that destroy your garden. These methods are 100% safe for your garden and are pet friendly if you have outdoor pets. Be sure to do your own due diligence as well and wear any protective gear when needed.



How To Of The Day: How To Kill Ants With Coffee

How To Kill Ants With Coffee

Ants are contributing members of the environment, helping to clean up garbage, rotting food and carcusses. But when ants invade your yard or home in search of food sources, they become less helpful and become more of a pest. Many commercial methods and products are available to kill ants, but these methods contain chemicals that are harmful to you, your family and the environment. Home remedies, such as using coffee and coffee grounds, to kill ants are effective and safer for you and the environment.


1 Coffee grounds kill and repel ants.
Observe where ants are entering your home. Make a boundary near the ant entryways with dry coffee grounds. When ants eat this, the grounds expand in their stomachs and kill them.

2 Spread used coffee grounds around pet food bowls and other areas where you wish to repel ants. Ants are repulsed by the strong smell the brewed coffee grounds put out. Spritz brewed grounds that are outside with water to keep them fresh and replace brewed coffee grounds in the house every day.

3 Kill ants with boiling hot coffee.
Boil fresh or leftover brewed coffee in a pot. Pour the boiling coffee down ant nests to kill the ants on contact. Boiling liquids kill ants at the source, which is very helpful to exterminating the entire colony.


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