Stealing Money from the Bank

If 20 people work in a bank and are stealing money from the bank, and they all know each other are stealing and yet do not say anything… when a new bank president comes in to fix things, the 20 people in the bank will do anything they can to stop the new president from ending their racket. I give you Washington, D.C.

If 20 people work in a bank and are stealing money from the bank, and they all know each other are stealing and yet do not say anything… when a new bank president comes in to fix things, the 20 people in the bank will do anything they can to stop the new president from ending their racket.

I give you Washington, D.C.

Your Replacements

All you have to do is ask yourself why “Homeland Security” is REMOVING razor wire, so that illegals can get in. While at the same time, investigating and ARRESTING American citizens for questioning a school board, because they deem them to be “domestic terrorists”. The illegals are your REPLACEMENTS.

All you have to do is ask yourself why “Homeland Security” is REMOVING razor wire, so that illegals can get in. While at the same time, investigating and ARRESTING American citizens for questioning a school board, because they deem them to be “domestic terrorists”.

The illegals are your REPLACEMENTS.

Hey Congress

Hey Congress: When illegals start paying your salaries, then you can represent illegals.But… while Americans are paying your salaries, you need to be representing Americans.

Hey Congress:

When illegals start paying your salaries, then you can represent illegals.

But… while Americans are paying your salaries, you need to be representing Americans.

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