It’s Going to Get Worse

Do you think it's bad now? It's going to get worse if you don't stand up and fight.

Do you think it’s bad now? It’s going to get worse if you don’t stand up and fight.

Teach a Man to Fish

Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a day. Deport a man, and you never have to feed him again.

Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a day.

Deport a man, and you never have to feed him again.

All The Benefits

What's the point of being a citizen if an ILLEGAL gets all the benefits, but doesn't pay taxes or do jury duty?

What’s the point of being a citizen if an ILLEGAL gets all the benefits, but doesn’t pay taxes or do jury duty?

The Most Powerful Country in the World

America, the most powerful country in the world, is falling so fast, that it makes you think what are the real reasons. Something so big and powerful can't be destroyed so quickly, unless the enemy comes from within.

America, the most powerful country in the world, is falling so fast, that it makes you think what are the real reasons.

Something so big and powerful can’t be destroyed so quickly, unless the enemy comes from within.

Stealing Money from the Bank

If 20 people work in a bank and are stealing money from the bank, and they all know each other are stealing and yet do not say anything… when a new bank president comes in to fix things, the 20 people in the bank will do anything they can to stop the new president from ending their racket. I give you Washington, D.C.

If 20 people work in a bank and are stealing money from the bank, and they all know each other are stealing and yet do not say anything… when a new bank president comes in to fix things, the 20 people in the bank will do anything they can to stop the new president from ending their racket.

I give you Washington, D.C.

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