Vault 7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed
The tool ‘Spottsroide’ uses a development feature of the Broadcom modem- called monitor mode– that is present in (in this document, the Galaxy S2) many smartphones and other mobile devices that can be used to snoop and conduct blanket data collection of all WiFi traffic around the device. This data can be analysed later through a variety of different techniques.
Monitor mode (if supported) is normally disabled in firmware, this document confirms that and states “The source was never released, so this is the “reverse engineered” source”- meaning Broadcom didn’t help directly.
This does highlight the issues with fully closed-source backdoors and vulnerabilities, where they can be reverse engineered and exploited regardless of any perceived security.
It is possible there is nothing odd about the Apollo app- or Joseph Cohen’s version specifically- and there is simply some form of exploit or perhaps the app has plugins, extensions, or something that’s being leveraged here to start the data collection. But there’s no doubt this is all very odd.
Remember when John Podesta threatened to make an example of a suspected leaker in his emails?
Why isn’t the Mainstream Media asking John Podesta what he meant by this statement?
“I’m definitely for making an example of a suspected leaker whether or not we have any real basis for it.” ~ John Podesta Wikileaks email id 36082
I guess if the Mainstream Media reported on this they would have to admit the information leaked is real. So they look the other way and push the “Fake News” handed to them by the DNC.
Related: A ‘Disgusted’ Democrat leaked Clinton campaign emails