Tag: George Bush
Bush Should Call Congress Back To Vote On Drilling
In my opinion we are approaching a national emergency when a significant number of Americans will not be capable of paying $5 a gallon for heating oil to heat their homes.
Calling Congress back to vote on drilling would force the Pelosi, Reid, Obama “The False Messiah” and all of their cohorts with their windmill fantasies to defend themselves on the floors of Congress. McCain could destroy Obama on this issue.
Let’s face it, The 110th Congress is in the grip of a cowardly paralysis and it is time to force their hand.
Call Congress Back To Vote On Drilling
Leadership: When it comes to giving relief at the pump by drilling for more oil, this is truly a “do-nothing” Democratic Congress. President Bush should give ’em hell like Harry Truman did.
Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution states that the president “may, on extraordinary occasions, convene both houses” of Congress. On more than two dozen occasions in our history, presidents have done just that, forcing the Senate and House of Representatives to meet on extraordinary matters of defense or economic peril.
Sixty years ago this month, President Truman called such a special session to shame into action what he labeled a “do nothing” Republican Congress. He dubbed it the Turnip Day Session, because of the day on which it began. According to folklore in Truman’s native Missouri, “On the 25th of July, sow your turnips, wet or dry.”
Congress refused to do Truman’s bidding in the session, but the bold move saved the president’s political skin. He defied the odds that November and was re-elected — largely because the public came to view the 80th Congress as in the grip of a cowardly paralysis.
Today’s Democratic-controlled 110th Congress is just as paralyzed, but the stakes are far higher. Our irrational dependence on oil from foreign nations is squeezing American consumers and businesses with sky-high fuel prices. And it makes us vulnerable to blackmail by hostile, oil-rich regimes.
Americans use nearly 21 million barrels of oil a day. The U.S. Geological Survey has just identified 90 billion barrels of recoverable oil in the Arctic — nearly 30 billion barrels of it in Alaska. Yet House Speaker Nancy Pelosi refuses to allow a floor vote on drilling because the idea it would make a difference is “frivolous,” she said last week.
Suffering consumers disagree. This month, an IBD/TIPP Poll of 920 adults found that by more than 3-to-1 Americans believe gas prices to be a bigger problem than global warming. A broad-based 64% of respondents favor offshore drilling, and 65% want oil shale development in the Western states.
A Rasmussen survey in June found 67% of voters in favor of drilling off the coasts of California, Florida and other states, and 64% believing gas prices would drop as a result. A Zogby poll last month found that 74% want offshore drilling in U.S. waters.
This is a potential political gusher, if only Republicans would fully tap into it. Bush has the opportunity to do so before this hot, cash-guzzling summer ends. Like Truman, he can use his constitutional authority to call this negligent Congress back once it embarks on its long August recess to campaign for re-election.
In so doing, he can demand that instead of nonsolutions like its failed attempt to release more oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve [SPR], Congress carry out the will of the vast majority of Americans by passing laws that authorize drilling.
In one fell swoop, a presidential recall of Congress would strengthen national security, boost our economy and maybe even turn things around for Republicans and avoid the losses being predicted for them this election year.
If giving ’em hell worked for Harry, you bet it can work for Dubya.
Your Wallet: The Only Place Democrats Want to Drill
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Get Your Gas Pump Stickers Here!
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Arnold Schwarzenegger: Body Builder… Actor… Politician… Climate Expert? Blasts Bush on Global Warming
Let’s see… Arnold drives his Hummer, smokes Cigars and other illegal substances and has a private jet to fly him from Sacramento to his huge mansion near Los Angeles. I think years of steroid use have gone to his head.
What a disappointment he turned out to be! He is just another Hollywood kook.
Schwarzenegger Blasts Bush on Global Warming
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, R-Calif., spoke out against President Bush this morning attacking his administration for its failure to counter global warming emissions.
“This administration did not believe in global warming,” Schwarzenegger told ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos in an exclusive interview that will air Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.”
“They just didn’t believe in it or they didn’t believe that they should do anything about it, since China is not doing anything about it and since India is not willing to do the same thing, so why should we do the same thing?” Schwarzenegger said.
“We don’t wait for other countries to do the same thing. That’s what makes America number one… And I think we have a good opportunity to do the same thing, also, with fighting global warming,” he said.
Schwarzenegger’s comments came in reaction to the Environmental Protection Agency’s recent decision not to take further action against global warming during the remainder of Bush’s presidency. “Well, to be honest with you, if they would have done something this year, I would have thought it was bogus anyway,” he said. When asked why, the California Governor said, “because you don’t change global warming and you don’t really have an effect by doing something six months before you leave office.”
Schwarzenegger argued that any action taken by the administration at this point would not have been sincere.
“I think that the way they have done it is much better…This administration did not believe that [carbon dioxide] and greenhouse gases is a pollutant. They fought this in court and then finally the Supreme Court had to tell them, ‘Yes, it is a pollutant,'” he said.
He also highlighted the strides taken by California to counter global warming.
“I’m very happy that California is in the forefront,” he said. “We are very aggressive. We have made a commitment to roll back our greenhouse gas emissions to the 1990 level … We didn’t wait for Washington. I just felt that the administration and the federal government have been terrific partners in a lot of things for us and we have worked together very well, but environmental issues was not one of them.”