
When the Elite can't CONTROL you, they try to control how people view you.

When the Elite can’t CONTROL you, they try to control how people view you.

100% Effective

Masks may NOT stop the virus, but they are 100% effective at signifying obedience to government.

Masks may NOT stop the virus, but they are 100% effective at signifying obedience to government.

A Threat To Democracy

Anyone or anything the Left tries to destroy, they label as “A Threat To Democracy”. Well, we should be a threat to Democracy! That's a good thing. Democracy is nothing more than Mob Rule.

Anyone or anything the Left tries to destroy, they label as “A Threat To Democracy”. Well, we should be a threat to Democracy! That’s a good thing.

Democracy is nothing more than Mob Rule.

The Last 3 Years

Imagine living through the last 3 years and still not being the slightest bit suspicious.

Imagine living through the last 3 years and still not being the slightest bit suspicious.


People looking down at their smartphones is like the human equivalent to sheep grazing on grass.

People looking down at their smartphones is like the human equivalent to sheep grazing on grass.

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