Clinton Foundation FBI Investigation Confirmed By Tom Fuentes, Former Assistant FBI Director

Remember when James Comey refused to confirm or deny the existence of any investigation into the Clinton Foundation. He was asked if the Clinton Foundation was a part of the Emails Investigation, and responded with “I am not going to comment on the existence or non-existence of any other investigations.

Well now we can reasonably say it’s confirmed.


John Podesta Flips Out: Who Told Hillary She Could Use A Private Email?

In the latest Wikileaks drop, John Podesta flips out about Hillary using a private email server.

Neera Tanden was going on CNN with Jake Tapper in July of 2015, where she was told she’d be shown a new poll comparing Hillary Clinton to Bernie Sanders and others, including Jeb Bush. While she didn’t know the results of said poll, she told John Podesta (via email) that she expected it to be rough.

Podesta replied:

“PS can you imagine what the Republicans would do to [Bernie] if he were the nominee?”

To which Tanden replied:

“Well, let’s see what the poll actually says.
Let’s hope the Democratic party is not suicidal.”

Then Podesta flipped out:

“Do we actually know who told Hillary she could use a private email? And
has that person been drawn and quartered?
Like whole thing is f*cking insane.”



Platte River Networks Got Almost $1 Million In Gov’t Loans After Wiping Hillary’s Emails

Platte River Networks - hillary clinton emails
Did Hillary Clinton pay her email server company, Platte River Networks (PRN), with almost $1 million in favorable government loans in order to alter her illegal emails and get her name off them?

It sure looks like it.

More evidence that Comey took a dive.

Hillary Clinton’s email server company got almost $1 million in government loans starting immediately after they were secretly asked to wipe Hillary Clinton’s name from her emails.

Platte River Networks (PRN) got a $493,000 loan from the Small Business Administration in August 2014 and another $350,000 loan in September 2015:


Public government data available as

The second $350,000 loan came about one year later.

After getting the first loan, PRN moved to a large office space after previously working out of the owner’s condo.

The head of the Small Business Administration is Maria Contreras-Sweet, a Mexican immigrant who was appointed to the office by Barack Obama two months before Hillary’s PRN got the first loan.

A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request has been lodged for more information.

K. J. Gillenwater was the primary researcher behind this story.


The Tree of Liberty is oh so thirsty!



The FBI released more of their own documents Monday pertaining to the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of private servers. Buried inside 100 pages of heavily redacted interview summaries, from the FBI’s investigation, are a series of allegations that are nothing short of a bombshell. References are made to an ultra-secret, high-level group within the government, who were actually referred to as “The Shadow Government.”

From CNBC:

One revelation in the documents came from an interview with an unidentified person who suggested that Freedom of Information Act requests related to Clinton went through a group sometimes called “the Shadow Government.”

There was a powerful group of very high-ranking STATE officials that some referred to as ‘The 7th Floor Group’ or ‘The Shadow Government.‘ This group met every Wednesday afternoon to discuss the FOIA process, Congressional records, and everything CLINTON-related to FOIA/Congressional inquiries,” the FBI’s interview summary said.

That group, according to the summary, argued for a Clinton document release to be conducted all at once “for coordination purposes” instead of on a rolling basis as would normally be the case. But the “Shadow Government” did not get its way, and the agency in charge decided for a rolling release, the FBI summary said.

Page 56:

The FBI investigation was a massive cover-up operation from the start. The Obama administration was never going to allow Crooked Hillary to be prosecuted and the investigation confirmed that obvious fact.


Hillary Clinton FBI Investigation Released Oct. 17, 2106 by Jonathan Vankin on Scribd


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