Obama And Hillary Sending Out Robo-Calls To “Resist” President Trump

Obama and Hillary Robo-Calls Urge Americans to “RESIST TRUMP”

Obama And Hillary Sending Out Robo-Calls
In what’s shaping up to be a highly unusual post-presidency, Obama isn’t just staying behind in Washington. He’s working behind the scenes to set up what will effectively be a “Shadow Government” to not only protect his threatened legacy, but to sabotage President Trump and his administration.

He’s doing it through a network of leftist nonprofits led by Organizing for Action. Normally you’d expect an organization set up to support a politician and his agenda to close up shop after that candidate leaves office, but not Obama’s Organizing for Action. Rather, it’s gearing up for battle, with a growing war chest and more than 250 offices across the country.

Since Donald Trump’s election, this little-known but well-funded protesting arm has beefed up staff and ramped up it’s recruitment of young liberal activists, declaring on its website, “We’re not backing down.” Determined to salvage Obama’s legacy,” it’s drawing battle lines on immigration, ObamaCare, race relations and climate change.

Obama is intimately involved in Organizing for Action operations and even tweets from the group’s account. In fact, he gave marching orders to Organizing for Action foot soldiers following Trump’s upset victory.

Here is more evidence that Obama is working behind the scenes to take down Trump.

There have been circulating claims on Twitter of automated calls from former President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to several different people.

People are claiming these calls are asking them to “Resist” President Donald Trump.

Obama And Hillary Sending Out Robo-Calls

Obama And Hillary Sending Out Robo-Calls

Obama And Hillary Sending Out Robo-Calls

Obama And Hillary Sending Out Robo-Calls

Obama And Hillary Sending Out Robo-Calls

Obama And Hillary Sending Out Robo-Calls - Scott Baio

Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton, Valerie Jarrett, and George Soros are determined to destroy the man elected by the American people. How are political “leaders” in the United States allowed to be openly seditious, and get away with it? By examining the legal definition of sedition, it is clear that establishment politicians and mainstream media outlets are in violation of this law.

Seditious conspiracy… it is happening!

18 U.S. Code § 2384 – Seditious conspiracy
18 U.S. Code § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy

Click to enlarge


Mark Levin Breaks Down Trump Wiretapping Claims

This is a MUST SEE!

Here is the video that everyone is talking about: Mark Levin lays out the devastating case about the Obama administration wiretapping Trump Tower before the Presidential election.

Pass it on!

Sunday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” while discussing President Donald Trump’s tweets accusing the former Obama administration of wiretapping Trump Tower before the election, conservative radio talk show host Mark Levin broke down the wiretapping reporting.

Levin said, “Well, a pleasure to be here. The evidence is overwhelming. This is not about President Trump’s tweeting. This is about the Obama administration spying, and the question is not whether it spied. We know they went to the FISA court twice. The question is who they did spy on and the extent of the spying that is the Trump campaign, the Trump transition, Trump surrogates.”

Levin then read several news articles about the surveillance.


Democrats Fabricated “Russia Hacked The DNC” To Justify Spying On Trump

They started setting Trump up as soon as the primaries were over.

Democrats Fabricated "Russia Hacked The DNC" To Justify Spying On Trump

The FISA request to spy on Trump was originally filed in June 2016. The Wikileaks of the DNC hacked emails were released July 22, 2016. The entire “Russia hacked the DNC” story was created to justify DNC spying on Trump before the election.

Look at the timeline:

May 26, Trump reaches enough delegates to unofficially win Republican Presidential nomination.

June 2016, FISA request rejected against Trump.

July 22, 2016 Wikileaks releases the emails against the DNC.

August 2016, DNC claims the emails are Russian propaganda and some are fake with the goal of harming Hillary Clinton’s Presidency.

The media runs with this story, this creates suspicion against Trump to suggest that Russia is trying to influence the election.

October a month before the election, another FISA request is accepted. This time because of “probable cause” no evidence actually needing to be required.

This allows the current federal government to spy on a Presidential candidate a month before the election, one who is a part of the opposing political party ( while Obama himself is actively campaigning with Hillary and the DOJ is working to help Hillary pass her investigation with no issues ).

The plan the Democrats had for the election was to rig it for Hillary by using dirty tactics by the Mainstream Media to destroy Bernie’s chance and to make Trump look bad, and also to potentially spy on him to find negative stories to run in the month lead up to the election. They were probably hoping to leak audio clips of Trump having private conversations saying politically incorrect things, like how they had the hot mic tape of him saying “grab her by the pussy” and used that to find 15+ random women to claim that he sexually assaulted them a few weeks before the election.

A more comprehensive timeline put together by a user a Reddit:

Obama creates office of Chief Technology Officer – Aneesh Chopra ties to Tim Kaine/Terry McAuliffe (DNC Virginia strategy), Todd Park (Healthcare.gov fiasco), Megan Smith (VP Google X)

10 Oct 2012 – Directive 19 (Protect whistleblowers just before election – failsafe?)

==2013== New term. Uranium One, wiretapping (journalists/Merkel/France), slush fund projects, BLM, ISIS rebranded / Syria mobilization, Euromaidan (Ukraine)

2014 – Fancy Bear attacks Germany, Ukraine. (coincidence?)

19 Mar 2015 – Obama appoints David Recordon (Facebook) as White House IT director.

8 April 2015 – Fancy Bear (ISIS fakeout) attacks France. (coincidence?)

16 June 2015 – Trump enters presidential race.

?? June 2016 – FISA request – denied.

7 June 2016 – Final GOP primary.

14 June 2016 – Reported that DNC servers hacked (after “one year” – coincides with Trump entering race – setup begins). Research dossier on Trump stolen, Hillary campaign data untouched. Peskov denies Russian interference.

15 June 2016 – CrowdStrike (Russian expat Dmitri Alperovitch ties to Atlantic Council) blames Fancy Bear(coincidence?)

6 Jul 2016 – Senate bill to revoke Hillary security clearance.

11 Jul 2016 – House bill to revoke Hillary security clearance.

22 Jul 2016 – Wikileaks – Hillary.

7 Oct 2016 – Wikileaks – Podesta. Press release.

9 Oct 2016 – Trump campaign alleges Clinton ties to Russia.

12 Oct 2016 – Putin denies hacking.

15 Oct 2016 – FISA warrant issued.

19 Oct 2016 – Hillary calls Trump a puppet at final presidential debate. (Civilian – who is leaking her information?)

20 Oct 2016 – Esquire details hacking operation.

31 Oct 2016 – FBI: No direct link to Trump.

24 Nov 2016 – Scary Russian trolls! (CTR/Shareblue?)

10 Jan 2017 – Trump intelligence allegations dossier “leaked”. (Dates curious – reports follow damaging press – retaliation?)

11 Jan 2017 – Clapper denies dossier came from IC.

12 Jan 2017 – Obama modifies E.O. 12333. (Another fail-safe?)

Isn’t it amazing how quickly the Mainstream Media ran and accepted the Russian narrative? Almost like they were fed orders for it and didn’t care how no connection to Russia existed.

Loretta Lynch’s Final Order Allows The NSA To Give Spying Data To Other Federal Agencies
Hillary Set Up The ‘Russian Hack’ Excuse During The Debates
In 2013 Obama Legalized The Use Of Propaganda On The US Public


President Trump: Obama Wire Tapped Trump Tower

President Trump accuses Obama of overseeing ‘Nixon/Watergate’ style intervention

President Trump: Obama Wire Tapped Trump Tower
Donald Trump has accused Barack Obama of “wire tapping” his offices in New York City before the presidential election in November last year.

Launching a series of tweets at 5.35am eastern time on Saturday morning, the US president said: “Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!”

He followed up that initial tweet with a string of others in the following 30 minutes that claimed Obama had defied a court rejection to tap his office, and invited a “good lawyer” to make a case against the alleged process.

The president then compared the alleged surveillance of his communications to Watergate – the scandal in the early 1970s that brought down Republican president Richard Nixon after he ordered a break-in of the Democrats’ Washington headquarters.

Obama Nixon
Lock this Seditious Bastard up!

It now appears that Obama, Hillary Clinton, the FBI, the CIA, the DOJ, and the NSA were all a much greater threat to this past election than the Russians.

What this “scandal-free” Obama administration did before leaving… to try to set in place within our federal government, an apparatus to take down the incoming President & his administration, has the potential to be one of the greatest scandals in American History. This is NOT hyperbole. ~ Mark Levin


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