The Obama Legacy: ‘How you like me now?’

Well done!

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An attempt to show that our political elite is selling us down a river by devaluing our currency, thereby initiating inflation. Prices aren’t going up because of corporate greed, the political elite all over the world are devaluing fiat currencies to pay for debt they created. Hence the movement to precious metals … something no government can print at will. Be sure to watch the end.

A Tale of Two Presidents

Once upon a time, the people of the United States elected a relatively obscure man, with little or no Federal government experience, as president. Although many nasty things were said about him, he had considerable charm, his opponent was a comparative nonentity, and the public had become fed up with the previous president and his party. In fact, the new president’s party had already gained control of Congress a couple of years before.

At first, the new president and his party enacted a great deal of legislation that reflected the party’s political philosophy. Eventually, however, the president fell out of popular favor because of diplomatic and military failures abroad, economic hardships at home, rumors of scandals about the conduct of the White House staff, and corruption within the president’s party. These difficulties enabled the opposing party to gain control of Congress, where they fought the president on virtually every issue.

At this point, the beleaguered president began to compromise with the opposition. This led the extremists in his own party to denounce him as a turncoat while the opposing party claimed he was a dangerous usurper of power. In consequence, his popularity plummeted, political candidates within his own party began to distance themselves from him, and he became virtually ineffectual by the time his term ended.

Parts of this story fit several of our past presidents but the overall pattern seems to fit the tenure of George W. Bush. It also looks like it’s going to fit Barack Obama’s career like a glove. A major difference is that Bush’s image deteriorated because of constant and vicious attacks by the liberal mainstream media while Obama’s image decayed in spite of the best efforts of MSM to protect him. Also, it took Bush over four years to fall out of favor with the public while Obama has managed to do it in less than two. But the biggest difference is that, throughout his rise and fall, Bush managed to remain a gentleman while Obama has sunk to the level of a spiteful adolescent, giving an ugly new meaning to the biblical phrase “and a little child shall lead them.”


The Socialist

Synopsis: Every age seeks visionaries to leave, in the wake of their genius, a changed world – but rarely are they found without a few strikeout also-rans getting a crack first. In 2008, millions of Americans thought they had found the real thing.

Over the subsequent two years the nation moved inexorably – though rarely without battle – toward European-style socialism. Through the warring perspectives of a few powerful, deluded men and women who claim to know what’s best for you resulted a national drama rife with both bureaucracy creation and wealth destruction.

The Socialist moved from the halls of academia to the offices of ACORN to a pew in Chicago, and eventually all the way to the oval office, all the while spurred on by the heady early days of a culture-changing phenomenon in the making. In the midst of the chaos and mounting disasters, average American citizens began to object, eventually adding up to more than the sum of their parts in what has become a multifront, 21st century clash of worldviews.

This film has not yet been rated, but the story received a solid B+ from the White House. Catch the beginning of the end in theaters November 2010, with the ultimate conclusion to be seen worldwide in November of 2012.

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