Mental Floss host John Green explores the lives of canines in “41 Facts About Dogs”. For example, Green notes that the golden retriever from Full House was also the star of Air Bud.
Mental Floss host John Green explores the lives of canines in “41 Facts About Dogs”. For example, Green notes that the golden retriever from Full House was also the star of Air Bud.
If you have a tattoo, you’re part of a rich cultural history that dates back at least 8,000 years. Where did this practice of body modification come from, and how has its function changed over time? Addison Anderson tracks the history of getting inked.
Huumans have marked their bodies with tattoos for thousands of years. These permanent designs—sometimes plain, sometimes elaborate, always personal—have served as amulets, status symbols, declarations of love, signs of religious beliefs, adornments and even forms of punishment. Joann Fletcher, research fellow in the department of archaeology at the University of York in Britain, describes the history of tattoos and their cultural significance to people around the world, from the famous ” Iceman,” a 5,200-year-old frozen mummy, to today’s Maori.
Which is better, paper towels or hand dryers? Asap Science explains that paper towels have the upper hand for cleaning bacteria off our hands. But dryers may be better for the environment. So the choice depends on whether you are a cleanly Conservative or a dirty Hippy Liberal. I’m just saying!
There’s a lot of debate about which method of drying your hands is actually the most clean. This video explores the benefits of both and explains which one actually helps keep your hands the most clean.
Around 80% of infectious diseases are spread with our hands—so washing regularly with soap and water is very important—but does the way you dry hands matter? YouTube channel AsapSCIENCE compares paper towel drying with hand dryers to see the effects of both. It turns out that paper towels are a little more effective for two reasons: timing and friction. Using paper towels can be wasteful, though, so if you plan to use them, keep this trick in mind for maximum efficiency.
Here is a great trick that shows you how to cut a string or rope if you haven’t got a knife or a pair of scissors.
Rope and string is always good to have on hand for an emergency. But what if you have to cut the string or rope shorter, but have no knife or scissors. Well there is nothing to worry about. Life hacker Dave Hax has come forward with this quick trick to cut a rope shorter by using… more rope! Ingenious!
Hank Green of Sci Show explains everything that happens when you flush the toilet in this extended educational video.
Humans have always peed and pooped, but where it goes after we’ve done our business has changed a lot. In fact: The water you just drank may well have been a part of someone’s urine just weeks ago! SciShow explains!