Tag: Christopher Stevens
60 Minutes: Benghazi
CBS committed a random act of journalism and reported on Benghazi a year late.
In case you missed it, here is the entire “60 Minutes” segment on Benghazi.
Benghazi was a planned, sophisticated attack by al Qaeda against a barely protected American outpost. Lara Logan reports.
Special Ops 60 Foot Benghazi Petition
Special Ops group unrolls a 60 foot petition in front of the Capitol demanding a special investigation into the terrorist attack in Benghazi.
What’s said to be largest petition ever presented to Congress – one demanding a special investigation into the terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi – was literally unrolled near the Capitol building Tuesday afternoon.
The 60-foot long scroll contained the signatures of over 1,000 Special Operations veterans calling for an end to what the petition calls a “Benghazi cover-up” and demanding Congress hold members of the administration accountable if they determine “high crimes and misdemeanors” were committed.
Special Operations Speaks PAC organized Tuesday’s press conference saying the presentation of the petition “will be the opening volley in a nationwide campaign urging House members to sign the Discharge Petition forcing House consideration of HR 36 – the bill to establish a Select Committee to fully investigate the Benghazi Massacre,” the group’s website said.