The Most Dangerous Man in the World: Barack Hussein Obama

Once again we have the British and Canadian press doing the work the American “Main Stream Media” won’t.

Congratulations to President Obama! Osama bin Laden is no longer the most dangerous man in the world, having been effectively neutered by former President Bush’s war on terror. Obama has deftly picked up the mantle and has become America’s number one enemy.

Demonstrating its consummate mendacity, the mainstream media referred, during the 2008 campaign, to Barack Obama as “no drama Obama”. Just a few short months into his presidency, it is manifest that no drama Obama is instead, the architect of chaos and destruction. Everything Obama touches plummets into disorder.

The example de jour is the administration’s disastrous handling of the GM bankruptcy, an extortionate exercise in thuggery and demolition. Obama’s Soros-manipulated economic policies have plunged our once prosperous nation into a level of debt that will enslave future generations.

Obama’s non- response to the detonation of a nuclear bomb and ongoing missile launching by North Korea sent the rogue regime the unambiguous message that they are free to run wild with nukes, terrorizing the rest of the world. Pyongyang is celebrating its own regime change by launching missiles every fifteen minutes, running something of a lavish infomercial, hoping to impress the truculent leadership of Iran.

Barack Obama’s upcoming Speech to the Muslim World will provide the Chaos Generator in Chief with a singular opportunity to put the United States and our ally, Israel in grave danger. The prevailing wisdom is that Obama will use his Middle Eastern tour as the second leg of his Apologize for America Tour. It was bad enough to apologize to our allies; they may not have loved us, but they aren’t likely to lob any nukes at us either.

When Obama speaks in Cairo, the take away will be far different. Islamic extremists are always watching us for any evidence of impotence. Radical Islam cannot be pacified by dialog or real estate. Dr. Charles Krauthammer explained in 2005 how Ahmadinejad reasons: “The president of a country about to go nuclear is a confirmed believer in the coming apocalypse. Like Judaism and Christianity, Shiite Islam has its own version of the messianic return—the reappearance of the Twelfth Imam”.

Iranian Madman in Chief, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has crowed that he has been chosen to beget the blazing apocalypse that will summon the 12th Imam. Showing presumable support for Ahmedinejad’s plans, Barack Obama told the BBC that Iran has a right to nuclear energy. Of course, Obama added the admonition that Iran should only have nukes if they pinky swear to use them for peaceful energy production. That arrangement has been conspicuously effective with North Korea.

Obama has been spouting Soccer Mom diplomacy: just show the radical Muslims how nice we are and they will quit trying to slaughter us en masse, which overlooks centuries of violence against infidels.

As Krauthammer said: “Negotiations to deny this certifiable lunatic [Ahmedinejad] genocidal weapons have been going nowhere. Everyone knows they will go nowhere. And no one will do anything about it”.

Obama’s own Muslim background gets trotted out occasionally when it serves the president’s purposes. During the campaign, it was a hate crime to use Barack Hussein Obama’s middle name or to mention his childhood in the Islamic nation of Indonesia. As he prepares to “reach out” to the Muslim world, his heritage is now supposed to be an asset.

It is abominable, but not unexpected that the president plans to disregard our ally, Israel, on his tour of the Middle East. Obama’s recent meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu didn’t go well. Confrontations between Obama and non-fawning grownups never go well for Bam.

Obama’s orders are to press Israel into freezing settlements on the West Bank to pacify the make -believe moderate, Mahmoud Abbas, successor to Original Terrorist, Yasser Arafat. Revered in the radical Muslim world for his pioneering work in creating the suicide bomber, Arafat, like Jimmy Carter and Al Gore is a Nobel Prize recipient.

This land for peace racket has been going on for years. Bill Clinton saw his legacy fantasies fall apart when Arafat refused to agree to a land for peace agreement that gave the terrorist plenty of real estate; a move that was foreseeable to anyone who had a smattering of insight into the tactics of Islamic extremists. This rebuff was especially painful after the Clintons had offered the Arafats such frequent use of the Lincoln Bedroom.

TOTUS would like us all to believe that the magic of the teleprompter will warm the hearts of backwards savages, hell bent on slaughtering all non believers and ruthless tyrants who condone slavery as well as Sharia. Obama’s flowing gibberish has already begun to grate on the American people. The Narcissist in Chief wants to change Muslim impressions of us; as if we were the ones sawing off heads and strapping dynamite to our children in the mad furtherance of ancient dogma.

The more probable outcome will be confirmation by radical Islam that our new president is committed to appeasement at all costs and openly sympathetic to their deranged cause. Tragically for Israel, Obama does sympathize with radical Islam. Puppet master George Soros, an unrepentant Nazi collaborator, is also not exactly pro-Israel

Gil Hoffman of the Jerusalem Post is reporting that former ballerina, Rahm Emanuel has been meddling in Israeli government, telling an official: “In the next four years there is going to be a permanent status arrangement between Israel and the Palestinians on the basis of two states for two peoples, and it doesn’t matter to us at all who is prime minister [of Israel]”.

The Obama administration is trying to force Netanyahu into bringing the left wing Kadima party into his administration to destabilize Netanyahu’s government.

Expect Obama’s visit to increase the piling on Israel and denouncements of Israel’s right to protect herself from relentless attacks by Hamas and the existential threat posed by a nuclear armed Iran. Israel’s crime? Persistently asserting her right to exist. Thanks to Ayers-based public education, anti-Semitism has proliferated in the US.

In the most deleterious narrative, the president will address the Muslim World the way he lectures the US: making unrestrained commitments that he has no intention of honoring. Should Mr. Obama pledge to the Islamic world that he can prevail over Israel regarding the West Bank, the repercussions will be disastrous. Obama would have to dismantle America’s friendship with the lone democracy in the Middle East; and, contend with the push back against the US for our inevitable failure to restrain Israel.

Republican politicians are preoccupied with hand wringing and admonishments to each other about the impending confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee, Sonia Sotomayor. Evidently, it has not occurred to many republicans that the chaos master wants them doing exactly that. Who benefits if republicans fixate on Sotomayor and squabble with each other? The 2010 elections are our last chance; republicans need to Cheney up. The republicans need to honor their responsibility to expose Sotomayor, but not lose all perspective while the loosest of canons is rolling around in Arab states.

TOTUS should choose his words carefully in Cairo but based on what we’ve seen up until now, that isn’t likely.


A Preview Copy of Obama’s Cairo Apology to Muslims

Dear Dar Al Islam,

I am privileged to be speaking to you today from Cairo’s Al Azhar University, the world renowned center of Islamic scholarship. Once upon a time, Islamic science was the envy of the world over. Islamic scholars brought knowledge and faith to Europe and Asia. Informed by their centuries old faith, the greatest minds of Islam helped transform the world with their wisdom, their belief and their intellectual curiosity.

All was well until my predecessor, responding to a random act of man caused disaster on September 11, began a relentless bombing campaign that devastated the peaceful peoples of Iraq and Afghanistan. We will never know how much ancient wisdom lies buried in Usama Bin Laden’s Tora Bora fortress of meditation and learning. Or how much knowledge was lost when US warplanes rained terror and death on the Baghdad offices of Saddam Hussein’s Mukhbarat intelligence service.

Worse than even this senseless destruction, were the lost possibilities that my country’s rash and hasty actions deprived the world of. I cannot help but think of the young men of the Taliban who will never have the chance to set foot in a classroom– and then blow it up because it is filled with young girls. I cannot help but wonder what secrets of the universe Saddam’s chemical weapons researchers might not have uncovered, had they not been brutally tortured and interrogated by American troops in Abu Ghaib.

But worst of all is the sense of alienation that has come between my people and the American people, between Muslims and non-Muslims, between the people of Cairo and Iowa, all because we have not truly listened to one another.

So I have come here with an apology. A great big apology.

I apologize first of all for our rush to judgment in the aftermath of the man-caused disaster that occurred on September 11. We may never know for certain who was behind these attacks, whether it was extremists operating out of Afghanistan and hijacking the good name of Islam to disguise their links to the CIA, or whether as my hosts have suggested, it was perhaps the Jews. We will never know.

But no attack, no amount of carnage justifies the unthinking hatred with which the American people responded to this unfortunate incident. We may never be able to fully rebuild the trust between our nations, though I hope our latest offering of billions of dollars in “security assistance” will be accepted in the degraded spirit in which it was intended.

I apologize on behalf of my nation for these war crimes which we have committed against you. Furthermore I apologize for the actions of the previous administration in falsely associating your peaceful faith with the criminal acts of renegade terrorists. Yes the previous administration repeatedly insisted that Islam is a religion of peace, and that most Muslims could not be held accountable for the acts of a small minority. But this did not go nearly far enough in distancing Muslims from terrorism.

I also apologize for our support of Israel, a policy which my administration is doing its best to terminate. I understand better than anyone else, how vital genocide and ethnic cleansing are to the Muslim faith, and that by thwarting the heartfelt desire of a billion Muslims to hold their own Holocaust, my country dealt a severe blow to your faith. I am truly sorry for that.

I must also apologize for America’s custom of free speech which has often offended the world’s Muslims. Please be assured that my administration is working hard to ensure that this curious custom never troubles you again. Free speech was a practice implemented by White Male Deists, at a barbaric time in our past when it was not yet understood, that true tolerance can only be maintain through relentless and rigorous censorship.

Finally I apologize for everything about us that offends you. Our failure to stone women to death for showing their faces in public. Our ice cream which occasionally has swirls that resemble the name Allah. Our military where men and women fight to defend America against you. Our general prosperity, which is something my administration is working to change. And most of all for our existence.

I am truly and very deeply sorry that some half a century ago, the founder of your Muslim Brotherhood came to America, was shocked and revolted by a sock hop, and decided to declare unending war upon us. I am so sorry about that and I surrender. There will be no more sock hops from now on. Also no more free speech. No more cartoons. No more wealth and prosperity. No more military. No more freedom of religion. No more anything.

From now on I pledge to help make sure that the next generation of Americans will be poor, backward, oppressed, ignorant, intolerant and terrified of the government– and of course Muslim, just like you.

Thank you for allowing me to speak before you and bow to your glorious leaders. May Allah curse America.

Yours humbly

Barack Hussein Obama


Obama Does the Impossible: Makes European Men Seem Manly

Barack Obama is married to Michelle.
Nicolas Sarkozy is married to Carla Bruni.

Who’s the manlier man? ~ RichInOC (Free Republic)

It’s been a rough couple of weeks for Barack Obama. Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu rejected President Pantywaist’s settlement freeze proposal. Bibi told Bam Bam that his government was not amenable to putting limitations on building Jewish settlements in the capital of Israel. Obama responded by offering to immediately freeze all US settlements in Washington, DC as a goodwill gesture toward Hamas.

Still stinging from Netanyahu’s rebuff, Obama made the harebrained decision to challenge Dick Cheney to a debate on, of all things, foreign policy. Someone on Team O was astute enough to realize that TOTUS would not be well served by being the second act to Cheney, whose speech at AEI had been planned for weeks. Instead, the chaos president scrambled to seize some time immediately preceding the former Vice President’s speech. In an excruciatingly transparent attempt to run out the clock, Obama began late and dragged his speech out for approximately sixteen hours.

Had no one on the O Team reviewed the Cheney/Edwards match up before the 2004 election in which the picayune Edwards was lambasted effortlessly by Mr. Cheney? Cheney always makes pummeling liberals look easy.

Obama, petulant at being challenged, took twenty eight shots at the former administration and blathered about some middle way in dealing with terrorists. Compromise and middle ground are efficacious strategies at PTA meetings; less so with rogue dictators plotting to wipe us off the map.

Wimpy liberals are violently opposed to the use of Enhanced Interrogation Techniques unless practiced on members of the Bush administration. The thought of putting a caterpillar in a cell with a barbarian who would gladly saw our heads off shocks the liberal conscience. The left deems water boarding to be a vile form of torture, despite the fact that millions of us water board ourselves every morning with a Neti pot and some SinuCleanse®.

Now that his first official Disgrace to America tour is over, confidence in our Commander in Chief is waning across the pond. When the Europeans start calling you “President Pantywaist”, don’t expect to be taken too seriously by merciless crazy men with nukes.

Benjamin Netanyahu was once a captain in an elite IDF commando force. Community organizer Bambi failed to get asbestos removed from all of the units in the government subsidized housing project, Altgeld Gardens.

Despite the contemporary allure of androgyny, (how else can we explain Johnny Depp), Americans still like Real Men. In fact, the more Dick Cheney talks, the better we like him.

We cheered for Captain “Sulley” Sullenberger who saved the lives of passengers and crew by landing a disabled jet on the Hudson River. We couldn’t get enough of the humble and courageous Captain Richard Phillips who was held hostage by Somali thugs while the Wuss in Chief wobbled.

All sane Americans were proud when our magnificent Navy SEALS finally were unleashed to do what they do as only they can.

Ann Coulter unravels it: liberals have canonized single moms, disregarding how badly their kids keep turning out. Sit com fathers have become dispensable buffoons. One sperm donor per child is becoming chronic.

Unintentionally proving Ann’s point, I Village offers up some advice for single moms raising boys. Presumably, it was not meant to be satire when Andrea Engber assured single mothers that their boys can grow up to be emotionally healthy men, citing a few examples, including: Tom Cruise and Bill Clinton! Engber goes on to offer more sapient advice: “Be a little creative in helping your child learn guy stuff. For instance, many single mothers report concern over their son’s using the potty while sitting, or playing with their makeup.”

It is irrefutable that single moms have the manifest advantage when it comes to teaching their sons how to apply guy liner correctly. How many Oprahfied little boys will grow up to join the military? We’ve got a future national security crisis.

The unavoidable by-product of the Cheney/Obama joust was the demonstration of dissimilarity between a Real Man and the Metro Sexual in Chief. In his characteristic low key style, Cheney recited weighty fact after weighty fact. Obama groused about how burdensome it is to be Obama always having to battle imaginary enemies. The president’s ineptitude and narcissism were on exhibit.

It’s not unusual for boys raised by single moms to become narcissists (see Clinton, William J). The metro sexual male is defined by narcissistic traits, most notably, an over concern for his appearance that we don’t see in Real Men. Sure, they will dress up when the occasion demands, but not without some obligatory grumbling. Liberals didn’t learn from Clinton’s wussified approach to Islamic terrorism that putting a narcissistic pantywaist in the White House doesn’t make terrorists love us after all. Clinton sat on his hands while terrorists attacked us repeatedly:
Mogadishu, the USS Cole bombing, the attacks on our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, please forgive me if I overlooked any others. There was his indefensible refusal to capture bin Laden when the terror leader was offered up to him. Clinton hobbled our military when there were clear opportunities to take the savage barbarian out before 9/11.

Real Man, John Bolton, started shouting from the rooftops about a week before Memorial Day that the North Koreans were about to run a nuclear trial.

As Bolton had presaged, the North Koreans celebrated our Memorial Day by detonating a large nuclear bomb. As expected, Obama responded swiftly with a stern warning to Pyongyang that further Nagasaki- caliber bomb explosions could result in a tersely worded letter from the UN.

The North Koreans have been launching missiles approximately every five minutes ever since. Our president put North Korea on notice by speaking briefly at Arlington on Memorial Day and then summoning the intestinal fortitude to hit the links for the rest of the day.

Obama has eschewed building up US missile defense preferring instead to pursue a senseless disarmament program that would debilitate the United States in the hope that beneficent tyrants like Li’l Kim and Ahmedinejad will be so bedazzled by our good will that they’ll abandon their nefarious machinations.

Sensing that perhaps our current Commander in Chief is somewhat lacking in mettle, part time Columbia professor and rabid Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmedinejad dispatched six warships to international waters, including the Gulf of Aden, to celebrate Iran’s successful test firing of a new ballistic missile.

Deploying his weapon of choice, the politics of distraction, the president responded to nuclear threats from maniacal dictators by rolling out his newest fountainhead of commotion: his execrable appointee for the US Supreme Court, Sonia Sotomayor, who is precisely the kind of whacky activist judge that weak willed liberals and terrorists can applaud.


The American Press Mainstream Treachery

Must read of the day.

Honest unbiased reporting in the American news room has been so absent for so long that most Americans now seek information elsewhere. Americans no longer trust the free press to be their eyes and ears, to keep them abreast of the facts needed to make intelligent decisions about daily life or politics. Sadly, at this moment in history, even Russia has a more reliable free press than America. If Americans don’t read foreign news sources, they have no clue what is going on in their own country, much less the world.

“The American people continue to remain, for the most part, blissfully unaware of catastrophe looming before them and continue to believe the litany of Orwellian lies being poured upon them by their propaganda media organs, never once raising any objection to trillions of dollars that have been stolen from them and which continues to flow the pockets of their political and corporate overlords intent upon destroying, forever, their once great Nation and which the US Federal Reserve Inspector General Elizabeth Coleman stated brazenly before the US Congress that she has “no idea” where $9 Trillion of US taxpayer has gone, or who got it.”Bilderberg Group orders destruction of US Dollar?—A pretty important story for U.S. readers I’d say, but it remains unreported by the U.S. press!

As a result of horrific news reporting, talk radio and the Internet have largely replaced the daily newspaper, and that’s why leftists currently running Washington DC are very focused on “bailing out” their friendly propaganda rags, while gaining editorial control over talk radio and the Internet.

Thanks to the Internet, one can access news reports from all over the globe, like this story also unreported by the American press, Billionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation—which reads like a Hitler social engineering horror story.

From the story, “The philanthropists who attended a summit convened on the initiative of Bill Gates, the Microsoft co-founder, discussed joining forces to overcome political and religious obstacles to change.”

This story is not about the billionaire Bilderberg meeting in Europe, but a similar meeting of anti-American billionaires which took place in America during the same time frame, attended by none other than America’s biggest leftist heroes, Bill Gates, David Rockefeller, Jr., Warren Buffett, George Soros, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and media moguls Ted Turner and Oprah Winfrey. The Times UK reported it, but what American press room ran with the frightening headline?

Something VERY evil this way comes, and nobody in the American press wants to investigate or report a single word of it!

Beyond the No. 1-ranked Fox News Channel, few bother watching an overtly leftist mass propaganda system which has become little more than an outlet for leftist talking points. From every alphabet network news desk to every network morning show, and now even the late night comedy hours, TV media is full-tilt off the charts and hard left in their presentation. They have taken a side in the social engineering of America, indeed the world, and everything they produce today is designed to push an anti-American agenda for tomorrow.

Fox is the only news outlet in the entire country that is accused of being a mouthpiece of “the right.” This charge is leveled on the basis that Fox is the only electronic news outlet that even makes an attempt to offer both sides of every story, in a nation where all other electronic media outlets offer only left-wing talking points.

But even Fox News must now be questioned about its integrity as an honest and unbiased outlet for news. The biggest stories in modern political history remains completely unreported in the American mainstream press, including at Fox.

The Ticking Time Bomb

Every American journalist knows the constitutional qualifications for the Oval Office that have existed for more than 200 years. Every journalist knows that Barack Obama has spent nearly $1 million dollars keeping proof that he meets those requirements under lock and key. Every journalist knows that Barack Obama may or may not have been born a natural citizen of the United States, that he certainly was adopted as a citizen of Indonesia in his youth, which at the time did not allow dual citizenship, that he traveled under an Indonesian passport during his college years, and may have even received foreign aid as a foreign student while at Occidental, Columbia or Harvard.

Not one of the mainstream journalists, including at “right-wing” Fox News Network, has taken up an investigative journalist interest to get to the bottom of what is slowly but surely becoming the most explosive story in recent political history.

Alphabet journalists rush to scoop the latest on Lindsay Lohan, American Idol, CIA interrogation procedures, Gore’s Global Warming Swindle, and a laundry list of nonessential tabloid stories. But not one has accepted the challenge of breaking what promises to be a political story that could make Watergate look like a story on the joys of watching paint dry.

This is nothing new… When Bill Clinton accepted $300,000 in illegal Red Chinese campaign money, bagman Johnny Chung became a household name and eventually went to prison for illegal campaign contributions, which coincidentally resulted in the US sharing of nuclear technology and permanent favored nation trade status with Communist China.

But the press never asked the first question about the people who benefited from those illegal campaign contributions, the Clintons. The press was systematically MIA on every story of Clinton corruption, except the sexy stained blue dress story of course, which provided a much-needed distraction from the more important headlines gone missing during the period.

No Place to Run This Time

But the issue of Obama’s constitutional eligibility is such a huge powder keg, the idea of someone tricking congress, the Supreme Court, the news media and the American people into electing someone completely and fundamentally ineligible for office, leaves the press room no place to hide from such an overt act of treachery.

A man whose résumé is limited to a laundry list of ill-advised associations, a missing birth certificate and sealed college records, with no background of leadership anywhere, is the current president of the United States and not one single mainstream journalist has any interest in how this was possible.

However, in the end, there will be no place to run and no place to hide from the truth. Sooner or later, the truth will be known.

A Complicit Press—an uncommon Treachery

Americans have come to expect crime and corruption from their politicians. But they once expected their free press to hold the guilty accountable for their actions.

Today, the press is a complicit party to that crime and corruption. The press is overtly engaged in treachery. They are not ignoring the biggest story in US political history; they are actively working to keep it under cover.

Obama ran a 2-year campaign for leftist power and not one American journalist broke the story about how the man who would become president was in no way qualified for the position. More than six months after the election, still not one American journalist has investigated the growing charges that Obama fails the constitutional requirements for the Oval Office.

Their answer to public inquiry?—They checked it out at Snopes or, both of which are propaganda tools owned and operated by the pro-Obama left, for benefit of the anti-American take over of the greatest free nation ever known to mankind, and they are satisfied.

Hogwash! Even Republican members of congress have used Internet postings by alleged “truth keepers” run by or Code Pinko types, to escape their responsibility to properly vet a candidate for the most powerful office in the land, out of fear that someone in the press will label them a “racist” or “right-wing extremists” for asking the most obvious and pertinent question of our time.

Where’s the Birth Certificate?

Because the American press is MIA on the most important issue of our day, a very real constitutional crisis has left the American people to their own imaginations and devices. If Obama is constitutionally eligible, he can prove it. So why won’t he?

It is a very simple fundamental query, and it is entirely fair. Yet not a single member of the press, Congress or courts will ask the question, or allow any American to ask it, and Obama has spent $1 million bucks to keep all of his files Top Secret on the matter. Why?

The American press is entirely complicit in what will likely turn out to be the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people; one that in the end, has all the potential of destroying everything America has ever been.

To be complicit, “choosing to be involved in an illegal or questionable act, esp. with others; having complicity,” in the case of the American press, is an overt act of treachery, a “violation of faith; betrayal of trust; treason.”

Quite frankly, when the final truth is known about whom and what Barack Obama really is, every member of the press, Congress and courts who complicity refused to ask the question, should go down in flames with every member of the DNC who orchestrated the hoax from day one.

It is quite clear now that Obama’s agenda is in no way an American agenda for benefit of American interests of freedom and liberty for all. The notion that anyone needs to list all of the anti-American steps of the new president at this late date, just to prove that point, is beyond childish. If you don’t already know it, then you don’t know anything about America.

But the outright treachery of the American press is also wholly unacceptable. The decisions the people make can never be any better than the information used to make those decisions. The press is directly responsible for making certain that the American people are working with false or incomplete information, driven only by their overt leftist bent.

Since the outcome of their collusion with anti-American leftists will likely be not only a true constitutional crisis, but one of catastrophic magnitude, the press must be held accountable for their role in the destruction of the greatest nation on earth.

I pray that one mainstream journalist somewhere in the US will grow the patriotic backbone to ask the right people the right questions before it is too late. If the American people want somewhere to focus all of their anger, I suggest they focus it upon the traitorous press who has worked so diligently for so long to keep every American citizen of every political stripe in the dark, as their nation was being systematically raped and plundered by secular socialists. The TEA Party should be held on the front steps of every major news network, shutting down the American press until the news room is forced to report honest news again.

God Bless America and May God bless at least one American journalist with the honesty and courage to do the job entrusted to them by our Founding Fathers. They are either the unbiased eyes and ears of a trusting American populace under siege by political fraud, or they are an active participant in that fraud. There is no middle ground on a story this obvious and important.

God may forgive them for what they have done, but the American people never will!

The American people need just ONE mainstream journalist to step forward and accept the calling of their chosen profession, to make sure that the American people have access to the truth. Does any such journalist still exist today?


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