Historical Facts

Do you know what happened on this day in California back in 1850?

California became a state.
The State had no electricity.
The State had no money.
Almost everyone spoke Spanish.
There were gun fights in the streets.

So basically, it was just like California today except the women had real breasts and men didn’t hold hands.

LEGOLAND California Staff Pranks General Manager

Video Description:

The Model Shop team at LEGOLAND California had a little fun today at General Manager Peter Ronchetti’s expense …the team replaced the GM’s Volvo XC60 with a life-sized LEGO XC90 made of 201,076 LEGO bricks.

The model was built in 2004 and weighs 2,934 pounds. Imagine his surprise when he tried to leave for lunch!

Guide: Translating Californese into Texan

Translation into Texan of some common California euphemisms…

In California:

Means in Texas:

Diversity/Lifestyle Choice

Sinful and Perverted

Arsenal of Weapons

Gun Collection

Delicate Wetlands


Undocumented Worker

Illegal Alien

Cruelty-Free Materials


Assault and Battery

Attitude Adjustment

Heavily Armed




Taxes or Your Fair Share

Coerced Theft

Commonsense Gun Control

Gun Confiscation Plot

Illegal Hazardous Explosives

Fireworks or Stump Removal

Nonviable Tissue Mass

Unborn Baby

Equal Access to Opportunity


Multicultural Community

High Crime Area

Fairness /Social Progress


Upper Class or “The Rich”


Progressive, Change

Big Government Scheme

Homeless or Disadvantaged

Bums/Welfare Leeches

Sniper Rifle

Scoped Deer Gun

Investment For the Future

Higher Taxes

Healthcare Reform

Socialized Medicine



High Capacity Magazine

Standard Mag

Religious Zealot


Fair Trade Coffee

Overpriced Yuppie Coffee

Exploiters or “The Rich”

Employed/Land Owner

The Gun Lobby

NRA Members

Assault Weapon

Semi-Auto (Grandpa’s M1 Carbine)

Fiscal Stimulus

New/Higher Taxes

Same Sex Marriage

Legalized Perversion


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