Barak Askes Pelosi To Imagine If Rockets Were Continually Fired At San Diego

Unfortunately I think that Ehud Barak is wasting his breath because Nancy Pelosi is nothing more than a condescending bobble-brained terrorist sympathizer, something that she has more than confirmed since becoming House majority leader.

Why I’m sure if Barak looks into one of Nancy Pelosi’s ears, he will see straight out the other side.

Barak to Pelosi: Imagine if rockets were continually fired at California

Defense Minister Ehud Barak offered a chilling analogy to a congressional delegation in which he asked the group to imagine a situation similar to what occurs in Israel’s south to a hypothetical equivalent in the US.

“Think about what would happen if for seven years rockets had been fired at San Diego, California from Tijuana, Mexico,” Barak said in relation to the continual barrage of rockets fired from Gaza.

The Defense Minister’s remarks came during his meeting with Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, and other members of the US Congress, at an economic summit being held in Sharm e-Sheikh, Egypt.

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