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Don’t doze off just yet. Maybe they should be called bed blood bugs, an army of these can attack a person 500 times in one night!
Say hello to my little friend!
Heteropteryx dilatata is a large member of the Phasmatodea commonly kept in captivity. The most usual common name is the Malaysian or Malayan jungle nymph, often just abbreviated to jungle nymph.
The females of this species are very aggressive and should be approached cautiously. When threatened, the insect will hiss and attempt to thrash the aggressor with her legs. The female is much larger than the male and is a lime green colour. The male is winged and can fly, however the female has stubby, rounded wings and is unable to take flight. They eat bramble, oak and other leaves.
Maybe this is what is wrong with most Liberals. They seem to always have a bug up their asses.
“A 52-year-old woman with a history of depression was referred by her primary physician for colorectal cancer screening. She had no family history of colorectal cancer and a review of systems was positive for abdominal bloating. Bowel preparation was done using 4 L of polyethylene glycol the evening prior to screening colonoscopy. The procedure was uncomplicated with no gross mucosal pathology, however, an insect was found in the transverse colon (Fig. 1, to the left), was found in the transverse colon on a routine screening colonoscopy.). The insect was aspirated and sent to the lab for further identification. The insect had three body segments (head, thorax, and abdomen) with ventrodorsal flattening of the body and a segmented abdomen, three pairs of legs extending from the thorax (with spikes and claw-like terminal appendages), elongated hind legs, and a pair of elongated antennae extending from the head to beyond the hind legs.These morphologic findings were most consistent with the nymph form of Blattella germanica (German cockroach) of the Blattellidae family, a common household pest. The patient had a cockroach infestation at home and hence it was hypothesized that she may have inadvertently ingested a cockroach with food.”