Punching The Clock

FHES – Punching the Clock

For decades, American citizens have been presented with the notion that Republicans and Democrats are diametrically opposed, bitter political opponents that fight over everything and hate each other. But the truth is they are the same party. Who knows what goes on behind closed doors?

Keep that thought in mind as you watch this Looney Tunes classic.

Ralph and Sam have become a sort of American cultural shorthand for “the usual suspects” or “the loyal opposition,” describing two adversaries who have opposed each other for so long and become so familiar with each other that they’ve come full circle and are now nearly friendly.

The series is built around the idea that both Ralph and Sam are just doing their jobs. Most of the cartoons begin at the beginning of the workday, in which they both arrive at a sheep-grazing meadow, exchange pleasant chitchat, and punch into the same time clock. Work having officially begun, Ralph repeatedly tries very hard to abduct the helpless sheep and invariably fails, either through his own ineptitude or the minimal efforts of Sam (he is frequently seen sleeping), who always brutally punishes Ralph for the attempt. In many instances there are also multiple copies of Ralph and particularly Sam.

At the end-of-the-day whistle, Ralph and Sam punch out their time cards, again chat amiably, and leave, presumably only to come back the next day and do it all again.


h/t Reetz

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