Brain Teaser Of The Day: Five Children

Five children — Ivan, Sylvia, Ernie, Dennis, and Linda — entered a candy store, and one of them stole a box of candy from the shelf. Afterward, each child made three statements:


1. I didn’t take the box of candy.
2. I have never stolen anything.
3. Dennis did it.


4. I didn’t take the box of candy.
5. I’m rich and I can buy my own candy.
6. Linda knows who the crook is.


7. I didn’t take the box of candy.
8. I didn’t know Linda until this year.
9. Dennis did it.


10. I didn’t take the box of candy.
11. Linda did it.
12. Ivan is lying when he says I stole the candy.


13. I didn’t take the box of candy.
14. Sylvia is guilty.
15. Ernie can vouch for me because he has known me since I was a baby eight years ago.

If each child made two true and one false statement, who stole the candy?

Brain Teaser Of The Day: Five Children


Brain Teaser Of The Day: The Password

I want to use his buddy’s desktop computer, but when I opened it, I found out it was password protected. I clicked on the hint and the following appeared:

1 Jug 2 Birthdays 3 Fights 4 Cars 2 Laptops 1 Watch

Help me out. What’s the password?

Brain Teaser Of The Day: The Password


Brain Teaser Of The Day: 1000 Word Essay

A boy was in detention from talking too much when the teacher was talking. The detention teacher said, “You have to produce a 1000 word essay in 30 seconds…GO!!”

The boy actually did it. How?

Note: he did not just write “A 1000 word essay” on his paper. You’ll have to be a little more clever than that.

Brain Teaser Of The Day: 1000 Word Essay


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