The Backwards Bowler

Jim Cripps is known worldwide as “The Backwards Bowler” due to his unique style of, you guessed it, backwards bowling.

What started out as a dare has mushroomed into a international phenomenon. He has gained notoriety in his “approach” to bowling and has been featured on “Good Morning America”, “Jimmy Kimmel, Live” and Japanese TV show “Unbelievable!.” With the Guinness World Record of 278, an average of 204 and a card carrying PBA member, Jim is turning the world of bowling around… one shot at a time.

“I love the sport of bowling & turning around has changed my life as well as given me the opportunity to meet and make friends from all walks of life. From Bowlfest in Las Vegas to Trick shots in Tokyo and all the stops in between, Seeing the wonder from both children and adults when you make a shot they thought was impossible is both humbling and AWESOME!”

I spent years being so serious about my craft that I didn’t want to even consider a trick shot. Boy was I wrong… Bob Learn once told me: “All great bowlers do trick shots.”

I took that to heart.. now specializing in the improbable and basking in the glow of the seemingly impossible… I do trick shots!



Mentally Disabled Bowling Star: ‘Bring it on, Obama!’

Kolan McConiughey of Michigan was born on Christmas day, has bowled five perfect games and averages 266. He has won six Special Olympics bowling medals and could probably handle the economy better that Obama.

OK, Mr. President. You think your pitiful bowling skills are something you’d see at the Special Olympics?

An Ann Arbor man has a challenge for you.

“Bring it on, Obama!” says Kolan McConiughey, who is proud of the six Special Olympics bowling medals he’s won as well as the fact that he’s bowled five perfect games. “I challenge him! I’ll show him how to do it.”

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