Tag: Border Security
Do They Think We Are Stupid?
The flood of illegal immigrants coming across the border has the fingerprints of a community organizer all over it.
By Michael Shepard
Are we suppose to believe, over 100,000 parents decided, to just give up their kids. They all decided to hand their kids over to traffickers, which cost money by the way. We know it’s costing a fortune to house and feed these kids. What we need to know “who is paying for these kids to get here” Who is paying the people, that are escorting these kids, across Mexico? If these kids are coming from poverty, their parents can’t afford to pay traffickers. Is the American tax payer, paying the cartel, to transport these kids? Let’s face it the cartel doesn’t work for free. Trey Gowdy you might want to request an audit of our money, to see who’s paying these people. As long as the IRS doesn’t have the records, you should be able to find them.
Let’s put ourselves in their shoes for a moment. You are not going to walk across Mexico overnight. You need food and water which cost money. When traveling you need a route to travel. Would any of you allow your kids to walk across a country by themselves. Especially with a human smuggler that you don’t even know? If you are poor, you can’t pay them, before they set off. These parents, had to be sure the money would be paid, on the back side. These people don’t hand these kids over until they are paid. How many times have we seen families being held in homes throughout this country. They don’t care about their well-being. They only care about money. Are we suppose to believe these kids are handed over at the border, because they care about them.
Then we have people in Washington that insult our intelligence. We are told that this is an act of kindness. These kids are running from poverty, hunger, and disease. I have traveled this world and seen hunger. They don’t look that hungry to me. Well lawmakers don’t mistake our kindness as weakness. We care about these kids but we care about ours too. We have millions of our own children who are hungry. They suffer with hunger as you read your papers and eat. You expect us to believe you care about those kids, after you show how you care about ours. Tell the people how hard things are, after having your dinner, on a ten thousand dollar plate. Put the American people before yourselves. You take care of their kids, and they will take care of you. You allow harm, to come to one of these kids, and I wouldn’t want to be you. You say you care about these kids then “put your money where your mouth is” and prove it.
Seal our borders and send these kids back home to their parents. Your so-called experts will tell you every kid should be with their parents. Family judges rule on what’s in the best interest of the child. The best interest of these children is they belong with their mom. The fact is “Bad people are using these kids for many different reasons” Even terrorist are using them to sneak across our border. These kids are being put in grave danger, while doing the same to ours. If we find out tax payer money is being used to fund this. Shame on you, but I look forward to the excuses. We have come to a critical crossroad in this world. One road is bright and full of hope for everyone. The other is dark, and it’s the one we are headed towards. Whether you believe in God or not, He believes in you. He has shown me what you are doing, and I pray you change your mind. The choice is ours to make, and I say we turn right. The wrong turn will still get us there, but take a whole lot longer. This is not about politics. This isn’t about you or me. It’s about all of mankind. God bless this Country, and God bless this World… Semper Fi, Shep
This isn’t politics, this is a whole lot more.