Untrue Facts From History

George Washington’s teeth were not made of wood. His dentures were made of gold, hippopotamus ivory, lead, and human teeth, horse teeth, and donkey teeth.

George Washington - Untrue Facts From History

Napoleon Bonaparte was not short. He was 5’7”, which was slightly taller than the average Frenchman of the time (early 1800s). He selected his imperial guards based on their height, which may have contributed to the perception that he is short.

Napoleon Bonaparte - Untrue Facts From History

Benjamin Franklin did not propose the wild turkey as the symbol for the United States instead of the bald eagle. He once wrote a private letter to his daughter expressing his dislike of the eagle and preference for the turkey, but never expressed that sentiment publicly.

Benjamin Franklin - Untrue Facts From History

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How a Lightning Rod Works

Capital LightningThe lightning rod, which Benjamin Franklin invented in 1749, is a metal pole mounted atop a building that draws lightning’s electrical charge away from the structure.

The rod is attached to an aluminum or copper cable that’s connected to an underground conductive grid. This allows the electricity to dissipate harmlessly.

Because lightning tends to strike the tallest object in the vicinity, lightning rods must be taller than any buildings or other objects in the area.

If installed properly, a lightning rod will carry a lightning bolt’s electrical charge through the path of least resistance along the cable into the ground, reducing the risk of fire or heat damage from the strike.


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