How Real Men Deal With Massive Australian Spiders


Australian YouTuber Durianriders demonstrates how to remove a giant spider after discovering one on his shoulder.

Instead of freaking out and smacking the enormous arthropod, he calmly walked outside and brushed up by a tree to coax the creepy bug off of him.

Instead, the spider walked up his neck.

Still, he remained poised until the spider fully disembarked.

“That my friends is how to remove a spider. Cool, calm, collected.”



Australian V8 Chainsaw

This may be the only chainsaw you’ll ever need!

Oh, you have a two-stroke chainsaw huh? Think it’s cool, do ya? Well, we see your little two-stroke and raise you a 4.1-liter V8 chainsaw.

This V8 chainsaw comes to us, of course, from Australia. It’s a nation where absolutely everything can kill you. Granted, any chainsaw has the power to kill, but this one can do it… more so.

The chainsaw is powered by a 4.1 liter Holden V8, making this a more dangerous hoon-mobile than a Maloo with 600 horsepower.

Saw carefully now, mate!



American V8 Chainsaw
Chevy V8 Snowblower

Life Size Lego Car

Life Size Lego Car Powered by Air

Melbourne entrepreneur and marketer Steve Sammartino and his Romanian buddy Raul Oaida, who happens to be a ‘technology genius,’ are truly insane.

The adult children teamed up to not only create a full sized Lego car made up of over half a million pieces, but they even made sure the car was completely functional.

Better yet, the engine–which has four orbital engines and a total of 256 pistons–runs on pure air pressure.



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