Below are anagrams of furniture found in some bedrooms at home or in motels. Your task is to unravel these anagrams. I have included the number of letters in brackets for each item.
The following three (3) clues are the definitions of words that have been jumbled below and turned into anagrams. Your job is to correctly unravel the anagrams and then place them next to their proper definition.
1. hanging cloth used as a blind.
2. a strong English ale.
3. destined or inevitable.
Jumbled anagrams:
1. nice rat
2. car unit
3. rub not
1. nice rat: Certain
2. car unit: Curtain
3. rub not: Burton
Rearranged anagrams now placed next to their correct definition:
1. hanging cloth used as a blind: Curtain
2. a strong English ale: Burton
3. destined or inevitable: Certain
I am a set of three words, all with the same four letters.
First I am a type of carriage.
Then switch my middle letters, and I am a cover often useful on a diamond.
Now switch my end letters …
When you see me, you also see hair.
trap = a light one-horse carriage
tarp = a canvas cover, one use is to protect a baseball diamond from rain
part = the line that divides hair, as when combing
ONE ON ALP – Napoleon
SEEK A PHRASE – Shakespeare
KNEE CRUTCH ART – The Nutcracker
NONE MISTER – minestrone
TOXIC NAME – income tax
HE BUGS GORE – George Bush