Random Riddle: Missing Idioms

Welcome to the Missing Idioms language game! An idiom is a speech form or an expression of a given language that is peculiar to itself grammatically or, cannot be understood from the individual meanings of its elements, as in “keep tabs on”.

Below you will find 10 sentences, with the missing idiom replaced, in brackets (…). To solve the game, you will need to complete each sentence with an idiom, but there is a twist to it. Each round you will be given a Main Clue and, all missing idioms, must relate to it.

The Main Clue for this round is “Animals”, therefore all missing idioms must relate to animals. Good luck and enjoy!

1. He is the (most important person, main character) in his company.

2. I hadn’t seen my cousin in a year, so when we finally met, we talked (for a very long time).

3. You should (not worry about those problems from before). It is too late now to do anything about them.

4. There is no need to be concerned about your new landlady. Her (words are worse than her actions).

5. My grandfather moved to the country to get away from the (busyness and confusion) in the city.

6. Be careful of that man. He is a (pretending to be good but, he is really bad).

7. My aunt decided (to take action and not worry about the results) and begin preparations for the family reunion.

8. I think that buying a ticket before we make any plans is (doing things in the wrong order).

9. She is always (behaving with arrogance) and telling people what to do.

10. I wish that she would (begin to be humble and agreeable) and begin to care about how other people feel about things.

Random Riddle: Missing Idioms



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