Seven sons she has, this loving mother,
One is aloof, the other with a temper;
Four are gifted with rings of wonder,
The last, to his mom none is dearer.
She also has two daughters, we gather
Like twins, close to each other.
We know one for her air and laughter,
Hot, dazzling and beautiful, the sister.
Her names, one too many to remember,
But all known to a devote follower, To you, to me and to every wanderer, She is arguably the perfect mother.
Question: What are the names of the mother and her dearest son?
Who were gifted rings?
The mother is the sun.
The dearest (closest to his mom) is Mercury.
Pluto is aloof (distant, dark and cold).
Mars has a temper (god of war, and the volcano in mars).
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all have planetary rings (Saturn’s being in the thousands).
Earth and Venus are the daughters. Twins they are often called because they are close to each other.
Earth is known for air (oxygen that sustains life) and laughter (living beings laugh).
Venus is the hottest planet, dazzling and beautiful from Earth.
The sun’s names are many. Sun, Star, Phobos etc. from science and even literature.
Wanderer refers both to people (who will all die) and planets (wanderer is root of the name).
The sun is a perfect mother giving warmth, light and is always there.