Dishwasher Loading – Teenage Instructional Video

After teaching his kids how to change a roll of toilet paper, Will Reid returns with his second “teenage instructional video,” in which he shows his kids how to load a dishwasher.


Well here it is! The tricky second video. I honestly didn’t think there would be another one as the first one was spontaneous and meant as a joke. A joke that seems to have struck a chord with quite a few people!!

I have really enjoyed reading all your comments and suggestions and because of that, I decided to give it a go and see what you all think. All I ask is please don’t take any of this too seriously. It is all just a bit of fun and who knows, maybe James and Beth may one day actually load the dishwasher or change the toilet roll?!! Sandra and I certainly hope so!!

I hope this raises a smile and maybe some knowing nods? If it does, please share and lets see what happens. Despite my kids saying that I’m not funny and no one would be interested, I guess I have shown them that maybe Dads do know a thing or two about the internet! Who would have thought?!!!

Oh and the web site thing? You can now buy a T shirt with either instructions on or maybe even my name and face. You lucky people!! What is that all about? I apologise now.


Dishwasher Loading - Teenage Instructional Video