The United States of France

I fear for our country. We have lost our back bone and our testosterone. Put on a dress and start learning French.

The Iraq Study Group’s recommendations demonstrate one thing clearly. These people still don’t know what we are dealing with. They misunderstand the entire war on terror. They just do not understand the enemy! In all actuality this report is nothing more than a scam to unite the American people in surrender.

What a stupid report! It only serves to destabilize Iraq even more. Any Iraqi that was on the fence about which side to support, will now be asking Muqtada al-Sadr, “Where do I sign up?”. It is another glowing example to Al-qaeda, Iran and Syria of how weak we are and that their victory is even more of a possibility.

The stark reality is that the Islamo-fundamentalist terrorists are at war with our way of life, our modern world, the rights of women, religious freedom and societies that have religious freedom. Negotiation with Iran and Syria should not even be an option. Why would anyone suggest that we ask the very people that are fueling the insurgency in Iraq for help. This just doesn’t make sense. Something is wrong here!

Forget this idiotic report. I say the Iraqi’s should decide weather we stay or go. Remember all those blue fingers? Let them have a national vote where they decide their fate.